Friday, May 22, 2009

FUN Vacation Places for Summer

According to a new "Ritz Cracker FUNomenal Places" study - Seattle, Washington is the most fun city in the U.S. Knowing this wouldn't you love to go there for a summer vacation?
Maybe you would like to know how they are deciding on Seattle well the study was done by exploring 50 of America's largest metropolitan areas for their indoor and outdoor recreational and entertainment opportunities; the amount of money people spend on sports, amusement and recreational activities. Also participation in fun, social and cultural activities.
If Seattle is too far to travel with the family for fun you can go check out the city that holds the #2 spot and that is our very own Minneapolis, MN with what this study claims as one of the best park systems.
California is the state that earns the title as the most fun state because they have 4 cities in the top 10 and 2 in the top 20.
Here's the list of "Ritz Cracker FUNomenal Places" Top Ten -
1. Seattle, WA
2. Minneapolis, MN
3. San Francisco, CA
4. Chicago, IL
5. Washington, DC
6. San Jose, CA
7. Los Angeles, CA
8. Boston, MA
9. San Diego, CA
10. New York, NY