Just a reminder for keeping your Halloween safe from the La Crosse Police Department.
1. Limit Hours of Treat or Treating to between 4-8pm.
2. Citizens wishing to greet children with at treat should keep their outdoor lights on during 4 and 8pm.
3. Young kids should be accompanied by an adult.
4. Take all treats home to examine before eating.
5. Please give only wrapped or packaged candy out.
6. Wear light colored clothing that is short enough to prevent tripping, add reflective tape to the sides, front and back of costumes.
7. Stay within the neighborhood and visit homes that you know.
8. Watch for traffic, drivers should be on constant lookout for children.
9. Children should carry a flashlight.
10. Keep costumed children away from pets. The pet may not recognize them and become frightened.
And finally have FUN!