Yes you read that correctly, but I'm still trying to figure it out myself.
A Massachusetts's Elementary School is implementing a policy to hand out condoms to their students, even 1st graders, starting this fall.
I think this is absolutely crazy. As a mother of a 3rd grader I don't want the school having the ability to give my daughter a condom just because they will counsel her before doing so. And the fact that the policy does not require the school to contact the parents is even more reason to get my blood boiling. Yes a comment on this issue from one of the board members saying there is no set age as to when sexual activity begins is true, but it still is no reason for elementary schools to hand out condoms.
How about if the school notices something are is confronted by a student then they call the parents and leave it up to the parents to make the decision on the minor in their custody? How about we as parents take notice of what our children are doing and talk to them about the risks, dangers, etc...?
I'm having such a difficult time processing this and why this new policy would even pass. Just unbelievable! Right now I could not be happier to be living where we are and having my children in the school they are in.
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