Friday, June 26, 2009

It's time for Riverfest

The annual 4th of July celebration is back starting July 1st with Little Texas on stage at 10:30. The is the awesome food so many of us look forward to as always in the Food and Beverage area. Don't forget the kids when attending Riverfest because they will enjoy Twiggy the Water Skiing Squirrel, the clown Kenny Ahern, Hans Mayer or maybe the magician Mr. Steve. At 10pm on July 4th look up to the sky for the amazing fireworks display. There is so much more and you can view the whole schedule - click here.
Have a great Riverfest everyone!

What would you do?

Two employees at Orlando Central Florida Toyota on Monday noticed someone left a box behind. The employees decided to just leave it alone and figured the owner would come back to claim it. When no one came still on Tuesday the employees opened the box to discover $40,000 in cash. After finding the cash the employees could have split the money, paid off a few bills and so many other things, but instead they called the Orange County Sheriff's Office to report the matter. And as you would assume the dealership's general manager is very happy to to have employees that "do the right thing."
So what would you do? What if is is not $40,000, but maybe $10 in the container at the bank drive-thru? What would you do? It's not mine, so I sent it back.

As the saying goes...

It comes in threes. How many times have we heard this? Anything bad it seems to reference that saying. Well we lost 3 icons to the entertainment world this week - Ed McMahon (see more on Ed), then Farrah Fawcett (see more on Farrah) and of course Michael Jackson (his bio).
Last week I had to do repairs on my TV (still not fixed), my washing machine (it's good now) and my refrigerator (not sure on this yet). So I'm wondering if bad things come in threes - should I be expecting another something in another set of threes? Something to ponder over the weekend.

No No No

What possesses some people to do the things they do? Breastfeeding your child a natural and healthy start to your baby's life right. But it is not when you are a breastfeeding drunk mother. In April this North Dakota woman was cited for doing just that and may now face up to 5 years in prison. Read the whole story.

Good Question

From the 10 best celeb quotes for this week according to People Magazine.

"What happens when you have to go to the bathroom?" – Whitney Port, questioning Lady Gaga and BeyoncĂ©'s leotard trend, on It's On with Alexa Chung.

Michael Jackson Remembered

The many looks of Michael Jackson through the short 50 years of his life. Click on this link.

Friday, June 19, 2009

It's Time for the Parade of Homes!!

This is something I look forward to every year. My Mom and I figure out some time to drive around and check out the homes featured in the Builders Associations Parade of Homes. It is a great way to find a builder, remodeler or some ideas for your own projects you want to tackle at home. This is one of the few times people open up their home for complete strangers to look around in and you know there is always that one house that you would love to see the inside of. This is it! Click here for all the information and see you there!

Is it the End?

I'm not a fan. I have never watched the show. But at least I know who Jon and Kate Gosselin are. The latest from People Magazine is that Jon went apartment shopping. Read the story.

Like I mentioned I'm not a fan, but I am married with only 2 kids (not 8), a job and other responsiblities and know how stressful it can be without having a television crew watching my every move. So I'm on the outside looking into this bad situation getting worse and thinking dump the television crew and work on your family. But that may be just me. Send me an email on your thoughts.

All Good Things Must Come to an End

There are certain items we all should think of investing in before the recession completely comes to an end, which the president's Council of Economic Advisors and the Federal Reserve believe will end sometime this year. Forbes has put together a list of the top 10 things because of the great "sales" on them right now.
Here are a few on the list:
1. Houses
2. Automobiles
3. Diamonds
4. TV's
5. Furniture
6. Women's clothing
Now we just need to harvest a little from our money trees in the backyard and we will be ready to go shopping!
Read the whole story.

A Little Too Far

PETA is not really happy with how President Obama handled a pesky fly during an interview with CNBC. How did he handle the fly you may ask? Well like most of us he catch it and killed it. One less fly in the world oh well right? Oh, no says PETA. They would prefer that the next time this happens a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher be used. This catcher traps the fly then allows the person who caught the fly to let it go outside. Read the story.
It's a fly! They are not endangered. Why is it so wrong to kill a fly? I may need a little time to figure this one out, if I ever figure it out.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What a Great Find

How do you throw an NBA finals party? How do you organize your kid's room? How do you clean your bathroom fast? And how do you do these things step by step - This a great website to put in your favorites for instructions to whatever you are looking for. Check it out sometime.

DTV - still not ready

Well it is less than 2.2 million households now that were not ready for the switch yesterday. There were numerous advertising campaigns, but still not everyone got the message that TV the way they know it will not work. Well make it does not work since the official switch happened yesterday. Read more.

Alan Jackson Celebrates

Alan Jackson celebrated his 20 year anniversary with the Arista label with a little concert for his thousand closest fans in Nashville. How incredible it would have been to be there! And it was FREE! You can read the whole story.

Miss Manners says...

The question was brought to Miss Manners about kids opening their presents at their birthday party. I have a young daughter that has been invited to kids birthday parties and did not know this was an issue. Miss Manners answered this question by stating she was wondering who thought this was a good idea in the first place. She thinks kids to "exclaim over everything" they receive and sometimes the guests feel "strain to conceal envy" if their gift does not measure up to the others. You can read the whole column for yourself - just click here.
I think we need to also teach our children to be happy with what they have and sometimes seeing others get things helps us teach them that. Also what is wrong with children saying "thank you" to the giver in person. As we all know most kids are happy with anything - okay any toys, so as far as them being disappointed about a gift - I don't see that happen too much. I guess things will stay the same at my house - my kids will open up their gifts in front of everyone, so just call me old fashion.

They're Baaack!

Yup, the mayflies are back. I understand there is a benefit of having them around, important to the food chain and so forth, but they are not pleasant to have around. It's really not fun to fill up your gas tank in the evening while you are getting bombed by mayflies, so as always we live with and wait for the end of them you can click here to find out all you would like to know about mayflies.

Friday, June 5, 2009


This story from Port Huron, MI started with an interesting case being investigated by police. Officials are reported saying that Shannon Rhodes told them a man came to her door a few months ago, sprayed her with fluid and then set her on fire. She was seriously burned and she has had police on a search for the suspect. Except...she now met with officials again and have lead them to believe she set herself on fire. What? She's been arraigned on charges of filing a false report and it could cost her 5 years behind bars if she is convicted.
Again - why? What possesses someone to do this to them self? I hope it is not for attention because there are much better ways to do that without hurting yourself or anyone else.


Yes there are more people on the roads, in the restaurants and hotels and we would like to welcome them all to La Crosse! Welcome to the athletes and fans of the Wisconsin State Track Meet held at the brand new Veteran's Memorial Stadium.

Ahhh... A Little Bit of Good News

How many times have you heard it - "I wish the news would not be so negative." "If only the news would just cover positive stories."
I was very happy to read a couple of stories in the past week on the front page of the Winona Daily News and the Houston County News that fulfilled that wish for many.
1. Last week (you may have seen it) there was a story in regard to a couple, Ken and Pat Pape, donating all the proceeds of their auction to the Church that they have been members of for many years. What a story of great faith in this economy. Read the whole story.
2. On Thursday the Houston County News featured a story about a director, John Haugan, for the Bluff County Learning Options - (LaCrescent Alternative School) retiring. The good news is not that John is retiring but that while he served in his position - he touched so many lives and "saved lives." What a great story about a genuine person who cares. Read the whole story.
I have had the pleasure of meeting all of the above parties that these stories were written about. The best thing about the stories is that the stories in the papers are not exaggerations, but definitely true, so share some good news with someone that needs it.

Susan Boyle Update

An anxiety attack landed Susan Boyle in the hospital earlier this week after finishing 2nd in the Television show Britain's Got Talent. Of course rumors start at the same time something "bad" happens to a celebrity and Susan is no exception. Concerns of Boyle's mental state and where she is going from here led to if she was invited to sing on July 4th at the White House for President Obama. And as we know with most rumors, they tend to be proved false. Entertainment Tonight reported that Michelle Obama's press secretary said "It's actually not true," but Susan's brother confirmed the report. Either way she will be in the U.S. when she appears on Larry King and Oprah.
Instead of trying to figure out what the celebs are doing before they know what they are doing, I'm okay with waiting. You?

Youngest Tweeter?

"Whassup World" - his first words? Max Armstrong announced to the world on Twitter that he and his mother are happy and healthy after his birth. Max is the son to Lance Armstrong and his girlfriend Anna Hansen and may be the youngest person ever to "tweet." Max even gave some credit to the nurse and doctor who helped with delivery. I'm impressed with the creativity of some people. How Lance decided to put the happy news on Twitter about the birth of his son though the eyes of his son - wow! The other amazing part of this story is the fact that the world knows about Max via internet social networks in such a short period of time. That's Crazy!