How many times have you heard it - "I wish the news would not be so negative." "If only the news would just cover positive stories."
I was very happy to read a couple of stories in the past week on the front page of the Winona Daily News and the Houston County News that fulfilled that wish for many.
1. Last week (you may have seen it) there was a story in regard to a couple, Ken and Pat Pape, donating all the proceeds of their auction to the Church that they have been members of for many years. What a story of great faith in this economy.
Read the whole story.2. On Thursday the Houston County News featured a story about a director, John Haugan, for the Bluff County Learning Options - (LaCrescent Alternative School) retiring. The good news is not that John is retiring but that while he served in his position - he touched so many lives and "saved lives." What a great story about a genuine person who cares.
Read the whole story.I have had the pleasure of meeting all of the above parties that these stories were written about. The best thing about the stories is that the stories in the papers are not exaggerations, but definitely true, so share some good news with someone that needs it.